Six Biblical Signs Support Apocalyptic Events Impending In 2016

“Like a frog that doesn’t know when to Blog Express jump from slowly heating water,” we are coming to the boiling point, based on biblical signs of the apocalypse. Six news items from this past year suggest that trouble is impending.

1. Signs of Corruption:

Obama Gave $79 Million to the Catholic Church to Force (Muslim) Invasion as a Paid Agitator in 2014. That’s $6 million more than they got in 2013. (Google) How stupefied can Congress be? “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.” We wonder where the people in Congress are who will honor their oath of office and stand for what’s right.

2. Signs of Decay.

The Supreme Court redefined marriage for some. With a majority of Catholic Justices, we also wonder how that could happen, but with homosexuality plaguing the priesthood, there’s tolerance for all who tolerate our “lifestyle.” We might wonder, “What Ever Happened To Sin?” as Dr. Menninger asked. Christ said end-times would be as the days of Lot. Destruction fell as Lot fled Sodom. Luke 17:29.

3. Signs of Destruction.

Six nations ended a 12-year standoff in a nuclear agreement with Iran, and the ink is hardly dry when Iran does not agree with what they decided. “The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, for when they say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes… “This isn’t just military strategy. According to Saint Paul, “the day of the Lord” is the end-time apocalyptic period linked to the solar eclipse and blood moons we saw this year, Joel 2:31.

4. Signs of War.

Gabriel said the horns on the ram in Daniel’s vision were kings of Media and Persia. Still, those areas are now Iraq and Iran, with Gabriel also saying the idea was “at the time of the end,” as some best-selling authors now see in the reapplication of Daniel’s 8th chapter…


Daniel saw a ram pushing west, north, and south; Dan 8:5. West is Europe, and its invasion by Islam is apocalyptic. North is Russia. Despite 12% of the population, Islam is unsatisfied; they bombed a Russian airliner. South is Africa, where Islamic Boko Haram has been as brutal as ISIS.

5. Signs of Martial Law.

In Christ’s warning of end-times, he said to flee “when you see the abomination… standing where it ought not, Mark 13:14. The early believers understood that reference to the military, and when the Roman army came to Jerusalem, they fled, and were spared the siege by Titus in 70 AD. But now, the US military stood “where it ought not” in a drill (JADE HELM) covering the southwest USA last summer.

6. Signs of Religion.

Rome brought the military and “history repeats” with a Catholic-run CIA. President Reagan appointed an ambassador to the Vatican, violating our Constitutional church-state separation, and he approved REX 84 for internment camps of illegal aliens.

Do we worry about government terrorist acts–burning the Branch Davidians and bombing the Federal Building in Okla City where the Waco records were stored? The BATF didn’t go to work after a bomb drill placed charges on supporting pillars. One was found after it didn’t go off but was blamed on a truck bomb in front. Searching YouTube, one can find similar information for Building Seven that wasn’t hit on 9-11 but came down.

Online evidence shows the government looks at Bible prophecy believers as “potential domestic terrorists”! Paranoia is a systematized delusion projecting one’s conflicts on the supposed hostility of others. Bible believers don’t do terrorist acts, but psychiatry understands the point of guilt when the Bible says, “You who judge do the same things.”

In contrast to all nations south of our border, leaders everywhere should recognize what made America great was the Constitution that kept the pope and priest out of government. Their poverty for hundreds of years, while America prospered, should make any sane person realize the insanity of an UN-Catholic New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum below the pyramid on our $1 bill.) The revelation suggests that it will compel false worship and bring the plagues. Congress must stop the flood of immigrants and review their oath of office, or “we will have hell to pay!”

In another violation of our Constitution’s separation of church and state, Congress invites the pope to charm them with his “great words.” Daniel 7:8,11,20,25 mentions the “great words” of the “little horn” that the Protestant Reformers said was the papacy as it grew out of the 4th (Roman) empire when it fell. The “great words” bring judgment in Daniel 7:9,10, so we should look at the pope’s agenda that Congress embraces. The “great words” could include the pope’s title, Vicarius, Filii Dei-Vicar of the Son of God. The Roman numerals add up to “six hundred threescores (60) and six,” the number of the beast power in Revelation 13 at the end where false worship is compelled. The great words include the pope’s “common good” agenda.

The “common good” is a well-disguised plan to respect Sunday as a religious institution for “family values and… Creation” despite the Creator’s intent for the Sabbath to be the memorial of Creation. This is the 4th Commandment, but it was banned from courtrooms and classrooms by a class of people who later wanted their brand of sex education. We can see the commandments in Exodus 20. The apostles worshiped “every Sabbath” in the book of Acts (15:21; 18:4, but it only mentions the “first day” once) and nothing to show that God or the apostles changed the day of worship to honor the heathen’s day of sun worship. Some say it’s the resurrection day.

Baptism is the memorial of the resurrection in Romans 6. Some say Sunday is “the Lord’s day,” but the Bible doesn’t show it; Christ is Lord of the Sabbath, Mark 2:28. In the end, Sunday will be the mark of Rome’s authority, and when laws are made for compelling false worship, it will become the mark of the beast, Rev 13:15-18. For reasons beyond our scope here, we should expect that 2016 will be even more apocalyptic! 2015 with the above six signs, has been full of omens–ominous.