The Information Technology Era

The international is on the verge of a revolution to change the conventional ideas of the economy, markets, finance, and credit. The increase in technology agencies will cause the changes. It is important to actively invest within the IT employer to capitalize on their domination of the future. The sector formed a new cluster of agencies with excessive monetary capability, a strong and promising enterprise, an unlimited monopoly in their respective segments, and bold leaders who can alternate the world. What might be dreamed of Steve Jobs – is more than the iPhone in every pocket or a pc in every domestic.

High-tech groups at the moment are characterized using the following features: an excessive inventory of money with virtually no debt and a fine steady inflow of cash from the central business with little or no danger of the emergence of competition within the marketplace: 100% of the competition may be purchased, as they say, “standing” non-stop improvement of technology, so most of the brand new answers, understanding, innovative merchandise, and the software program is going to a narrow circle of groups.

These functions of the arena tehnogiganty almost do not depend upon countrywide governments or economic establishments from anyone! These agencies already have a large, even though now not all of the obvious, part of international domination; in fact, they possibly have an extraordinary future. Change something in this scenario, perhaps, too past due.

At a time when increasingly more wealth is a) public (Internet, cellular communications, programming), b) intangible (content material and software, communications, digital cash), no one, except for the leaders of the IT segment, there’s no danger to keep the blessings which they loved in the pre-laptop generation. Already is huge, the term “revolution of Facebook” seems to be copyright to nobody claimed him. However, the cause for the fulfillment of many revolutions in 2011 (Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and others) is considered individuals within the coordination of the event of social networks.


Another instance: freedom of information. The Internet is open to all; trying to use the nation, as before, dropping manipulation of the media appears meaningless. This is visible in Russia – human beings do not agree with the legit press and focus on the Internet. The Government can no longer hold secrets (Wikileaks instance), aren’t able to consolidate the mass, and is not able to govern the emergence of social groups (previously – “events” out of date.).

State and Government have lost the monopoly on facts, propaganda, and brainwashing citizens. With them, they have lost a giant part of the Government, which previously had. But a mistake to think that this power is lost forever: it is transferred from the Government inside the arms of groups that manipulate the community media. The earlier advantage of managing the facts in monetary flows extracted the nation – and now it’s miles an international Internet organization.

It is quite simple – you may already make payments without going to the bank and no longer use his services (at once). This is referred to as “electronic payment systems.” Google has its very own machine of payments and social network, wherein ninety million customers... That forestalls Internet giants, with their tremendous economic assets and audience, to move ahead and arrange “electronic banking,” “electronic change,” “e-coverage agency,” “Electronic Credit Bureau,” and many others. And so forth?

It’s only a count of times before present-day banks, stock exchanges, and different financial intermediaries may be pressured out of Internet groups. At first, there is nothing but an old and thick textbook on economics, a striped suit, and a shiny bald head; a 2d is all: the middle commercial enterprise generates revenue, loss of dedication, clients, technology, and the desire to overcome the sector.

Only individuals who manage: strategies for writing records to the media, production of media, analyzing with those vendors, together with applications for the duplicate of content, and transmission of statistics – can be the proprietors and no one else. While books and CDs have been transferred to anyone, this became feasible to do something (referring to the combat against piracy); however, once it entered the digital internet, the battle became lost.

This does not mean that the proceeds from the sale of works of art, and something copyrighted, do now not get one: they already get hold of, and to a huge volume, the Internet giants. They are already inside the area; all others (file groups, film theaters, stores, books, udioplastinok, conventional media, etc.) are quietly serving the dustbin of records. Based on the brand new tendencies within the tour market, to return soon. Lanta-Tour, and other tour agencies – this is the ultimate century.

Man himself can discover airplane tickets or education, rent an automobile or residence immediately from their owner, and pay with electronic money. In addition, and for trade may also occur aren’t the very best time due to the fact in 2011, more than 1 million Russians ordered items overseas by mail from the U.S., China, and Europe, in preference to go to the local buying center and buy the same element to pay more charge of 50% VAT and rent the proprietor of the shopping center Plaza.

And here we see the outlines of a brand new international wherein the former leaders of the defeated, and, oddly enough, peacefully, without casualties or damage, a new procedure. No lack of co-proprietors Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook led them to jail for an attempted coup. Even a susceptible and sad try and one way or the other restrict the monopoly of these agencies got here to not anything lead. Be careful to treat those companies whose financial position and energy are, or will soon be a historical throwback. Particular caution should be taken to the monetary (banking, insurance, pension price range, agreement of debts, stock exchanges, agents, asset managers,… ) and resellers.

I could now not wager on these corporations where the Internet infrastructure and records technologies make the direct transaction between dealer and client of anything. The electrons are not the handiest money but the people (via the profiles on Facebook). The fundamental conclusion is that the position of IT agencies is underestimated: Government, society, and the stock markets. While the Revolution, they have come to rule the arena, is happening before our eyes.