How to create a wordpress child theme

You can learn how to create a WordPress child theme for a fresh WordPress install and make it as per your needs. You must download a free template called “child-theme” from the WordPress Theme Directory to create a child theme for a fresh WordPress install. This tutorial is based on this free WordPress theme.

When you start creating a new WordPress site, you are given the option to create a child theme to change the layout and design of your site. While this may seem like a simple task, it isn’t easy.

This is the best way to customize your theme to suit your needs and will save you tons of time and frustration in the long run.

Creating a child theme for WordPress is easy and allows you to update your music without FTP access. All you need is to know how to edit a child theme and a text editor. You can use the same process to create child themes for WordPress in other languages, including French and Spanish.


Create a new template directory.

 To create a child theme, create a new folder for the template files. You can do this by going to Appearance > Editor in your WordPress dashboard.

Please create a new folder inside the Templates directory and call it a child theme.

Include a stylesheet in your child’s theme.

If you want to change your website’s look and feel complete, you can do so by creating a custom child theme.

You may wonder what this means if you are new to the WordPress world. In a nutshell, a child theme is simply a copy of the parent theme that you are working on.

Instead of creating a complete copy of the parent theme, you can add your CSS code to the parent theme. This is known as a “stylesheet” and is usually located at /wp-content/themes/your_theme/style.css.

So if you want to include a different stylesheet, you must have it within your child’s theme.

Uploading your new stylesheet into your child theme folder is the easiest way. You can access the folder from your Dashboard by clicking Appearance → Editor.

You will see a list of all of your active themes. Select the article you wish to work on and click the “Activate” button. Once activated, you can view your child theme folder by navigating to Appearance → Editor.

You will notice that the “Themes” tab is now enabled. If you wish to edit the child theme, drag the file to the editor window.

Set up the WordPress Theme Customizer

Before you start, you should create a new directory called child-theme.

You can find this under Appearance > Customize.

In the “Templates” section, click the “Add New” button.

You’ll see the following screen.

Now select the “Custom Template” radio button and enter the name of your new template. In this case, we named it “child-theme.”

Click “OK,” and you’ll see the following screen.

Now we need to upload our child theme. You can do this by clicking the “Upload Theme” button.

In this case, we will select the “Upload Theme” radio button and upload our “child-theme” file.

When you click “Upload,” it will start uploading.

Once the upload is complete, you’ll see the following screen.

Create the child theme.

To begin, you’ll need to install WordPress. To do so, go to the WordPress Dashboard and click “Installation” or use a WordPress plugin called “Installatron.”

Once WordPress is installed, you’ll want to log in and access your Dashboard. Click on “Plugins,” then “Add New.”

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Install from zip file.” Navigate to the downloaded child theme folder and click on “Activate.”

If you use a child theme, activate it before you install your main theme. If you don’t, you could lose all your changes and end up with a blank site.

To install your child’s theme, navigate to the Appearance panel.

Next, click on “Edit Themes.” Then, find the downloaded child theme. You will see two files that you need to upload. The first is the “style.css” file, and the second is the “style.php” file. Upload them both to your server.

Once you’ve uploaded them, click on “Save Changes.” Now you’re ready to start customizing your new child theme.

Frequently asked questions about wordpress child theme

Q: What are the advantages of using a child theme?

A: It makes it easier to update themes and add new features in future versions of WordPress. I have not experienced any disadvantages with using a child theme.

Q: Do you use the child theme?

A: I always use the child theme because it’s a best practice for developing themes.

Q: Do you use any plugins on your child theme?

A: Yes, I have installed the Child Theme Builder plugin by the same developer who developed my child theme.

Q: How did you start as a freelance web designer?

A: I started designing when I was eight, creating logos, websites, brochures, and other things for my family and friends. Later, I joined a graphic design company and worked there for about a year, learning all design aspects. After that, I worked as a web designer at a web development company, building clients’ websites. In 2001 I started freelancing as a web designer/developer, which led me to WordPress in 2008.

Top myths about wordpress child theme

  1. Child themes do not work well with parent themes.
  2. You can install a child theme without the help of a developer.
  3. The functions provided by the parent theme are not available in a child theme.


Before diving into WordPress themes, look at some of the terms used. A WordPress piece is a collection of files containing the look and feel of your site.

A WordPress child theme is a theme that has been created specifically for your parent theme. As opposed to a template, which is the actual code of your website, so let’s look at what a child theme is.

So, to recap, a parent theme is a pre-made theme. It comes with several different features but can be purchased separately. A child theme is a theme that you can customize to suit your own needs.

If you need to create a child theme, you have two options. You can either create a child theme using the free version of WordPress, or you can purchase a premium version. And a child theme, by default, is only compatible with the parent theme.