Taher Shah returns to storm the internet with his latest single ‘Angel’

If you are from Mars and don’t know Taher Shah, you can get acquainted with him here before proceeding. The ‘Angel’ comes three years after Shah achieved phenomenal success with his first – ‘Eye to Eye,’ which made him a household name not only in Pakistan or South Asia but even beyond. He even won ‘accolades’ for the song mocked for its lyrics written in non-sensical English. Well, his latest video does justice to all the hype surrounding it. It offers all the delights of ‘Eye to Eye’ and gives its fans more. This time he has not confined his subject to bodily matters such as ‘essential sensational eyes’. Still, he has elevated it to issues heavenly – namely ‘mankind’s angel’ whose ‘heart is like a rose.’

The ‘Angel’ is visually satisfying too. It’s not only his coy smile, solo slow-motion gyrations, and ‘sparkling eyes’ underneath the impeccably done eyebrows this time. He’s wearing overall velvet gowns that flow over his body and beyond; he is bursting with ‘positive energy, which, by his admissions, he’s so fond of. He also wears a ridiculously fake-looking pair of wings on his back and wields an angel stick. The song also holds a surprise! Shah doesn’t return alone (or with his black-suit-wearing alter ego); this time, our hero has presented the entire ‘angelic’ family complete with a ‘chubby coyly smiling baby’ who many on the interest suspect to be his son given his resemblance to the star.

The lyrics are as meaningful as they were last time. Take this for example:

Your love is my true Angel,

Without you, I always live alone,

As the heartbeats, without a soul,

I fall in love with you, always,

Like Angels, love other angels,

Angel, Angel… humanity’s Angel,

Laa, Laa, Laa, Laa, Laa, Laa, Laa.

The video song, which runs for 5.45 minutes, has many messages of love and peace. It prods the listener to create ‘heaven on earth. And an emphasis on the power of love. But, yes, many of them need decoding. Sample this one:

Taher Shah


‘We can all be Angels; A human-like an angel shines like a star; Angel’s character speaks like a flower,

Angels decorate the starts,

like dew-filled petals of a flower,

An Angel remains quiet like those flowers.’

Well, this Angel doesn’t have any plans to remain quiet.

Watch the video here, which will touch the 2 lakh views mark within 12 hours.

The ‘Angel’ is visually satisfying too. He’s wearing overall velvet gowns that flow over his body and beyond; he is bursting with ‘positive energy, which, by his admissions, he’s so fond of. It’s not only his coy smile, solo slow-motion gyrations, and ‘sparkling eyes’ underneath the impeccably done eyebrows this time. He also wears a ridiculously fake-looking pair of wings on his back and wields an angel stick.