10 Authentic Ideas for Your Own Online Business

Remember pet rocks? I am sure a lot of you don’t. In 1975, Gary Dahl came up with the idea of a pet rock (a pet that was easy to take care of) and became an instant millionaire! Just think of what he would have done if he could have taken his pet rock online! Billions of people worldwide are now using the Internet, which will continue to grow. According to Forrester Research, online spending will increase rapidly and 62% by 2016. Many small businesses with no online presence will cease to exist. If you are thinking of starting an online business, you have many options from which to choose. Below are ten authentic ideas for your own online business.

1. eBooks –

Selling digital products of all kinds can be a very lucrative business. eBooks have exploded in popularity over the last few years and will continue to do so. Digital store websites will take your orders and deliver them automatically. With ebooks, there is no need to restock your products continually. One ebook sells many times over. This can be a 100% online business.

2. Proofreading Services –

Many businesses will gladly pay you to proofread all their documents. Many people miss their mistakes, so they need fresh eyes to find their errors. You can be those eyes! You can also add editing to your services as well. Once you find the mistakes, you can get paid to correct them. Professional proofreaders and editors charge by word, page, hour, or project. This would be up to you. You also want to set a minimum price for small jobs.

3. Freelance Writer –

Bloggers, ezine publishers, magazines, newspapers, etc., constantly search for good content for their readers and visitors. To become a freelance writer, you do not have to be a college graduate. You can sell your services as long as you can write grammatically correct, helpful, interesting content. You can build a lucrative business by providing well-written content to all these different companies.

4. Unique Products –

If you are creative enough to have discovered your unique product, then selling it online could catalyze your success. You can develop your online store or sell your product via online marketplaces like Amazon. Using such sites might be a good starting point, but create your online store.

5. Virtual Assistant (VA) –

A virtual assistant is a professional who provides administrative, creative, and technical help to another business. The skills of a VA are usually widespread and similar to an office manager. VAs can perform many duties, including managing appointments, setting up meetings, customer spreadsheets, billing, newsletters, customer inquiries, etc. The list is virtually endless!



Please start your online event planning business by helping other companies design and promote their online events. These events could include webinars, online classes, networking events, fundraisers, etc.

7. Website/Graphic Designer –

Designing websites and graphics can be a lucrative career, but you must be skilled in the appropriate programs. Before jumping into this business, know the ins and outs of web and graphic design.

8. Freelance Researcher –

Many businesses need information, facts, statistics, etc., but cannot do all the time-consuming research themselves. Offer your services at a good price. Take the time to find all the facts needed. Professionally present them and build a reputation as a good solid researcher.

9. Flipping Websites –

You know about flipping houses, but have you considered that converting websites can be lucrative? Look for websites that are low in price and have the potential for success. Tweak them for maximum success and make a high profit.

10. Webhost Reseller –

Many of the big web hosts offer reseller opportunities. You purchase hosting space from them and resell them to your customers. This is similar to reselling ebooks. Your income would be recurring as people will continuously pay for their hosting. This can add up to big profits!

There are many ways to earn a good living online, but research each one you consider. Take the time to make a plan and know what you are getting into. Above all else, know this: Building a business (online or offline) requires much commitment, work, and time. Keep this in mind as you are starting and building your business.

You will sometimes be frustrated, overwhelmed, and feel like throwing in the towel. Work through those feelings. Remind yourself why you started your own business. It always helped me think of my family, so I wanted to work from home. Turn those feelings into determination and commit to becoming a success!