Why Desktop Internet Is Getting Taken Over By Mobile Usage

Mobile devices may say to desktop computers these days, “We are always busy as people are using us to surf the Internet all the time. What about you?” The answer to this question is a bit embarrassing for desktop Internet users. People are steadily losing the interest they once had in surfing the Internet using their desktop computers. What is the reason behind this phenomenon?

Technological advancements have transformed a mobile device from a simple tool for making calls into a powerful gadget aiding daily event management. And if people can access the Internet while on the go, why would they prefer to sit in front of the desktop? Recent reports have revealed that mobile Internet usage will overtake desktops by 2014. So why is this change? What is the reason behind mobile devices getting the preference over desktops when it comes to Internet usage?

The Size Matters:

Yes, size is perhaps the most important reason behind this change. Desktop computers are heavy and fixed to a single place. Using desktop computers to surf the Internet means the user has to remain idle in front of the screen. A mobile device, on the other hand, is thin and light in weight. This means they are easy to carry, and you can surf the Internet anytime and anywhere.



Enhanced Functionality:

Tablets and Smartphones have made it possible to have a better user experience while surfing the Internet. Besides the regular call-making and snap-taking features, most of these devices have major desktop functionalities. Mobile devices’ memory, processor, and drive space are a little low, but they are ideal compared to mobile devices’ size.

It’s Trendy After All:

Over 50% of people using mobile devices to surf the Internet are doing so because it’s easy and time-efficient and looks cool and trendy. They do it because they have seen their colleagues and friends do it daily. Moreover, having a super-sleek and high-end mobile phone in the palm of a hand will catch the attention it deserves.

So the big question now is: will desktop Internet usage eventually die?

It has also been found in surveys that 1/3rd of adults in the US now own a Smartphone, which will surely increase over time. Tablets, on the other hand, will exceed 10% of global mobile data traffic in 2016. Educational institutions believe that a mobile device’s integration into regular studies will only help students learn more interactively. Moreover, desktop sales will make up only 18% of computer sales by 2015. It is fit to say that desktop Internet usage has finally met its match as a final statement. It is time to bid farewell to the good old desktops and embrace stylish mobile devices to surf the Internet. I am a Social Media and Internet Marketing Expert at fast apps – Small Business Mobile App Company by profession, and I love to promote brands.