I just finished watching the news tonight and received another very sobering account of the state of the economy. The September job number (9.8%) has just been released, translating into more than 15,000,000 unemployed people. Not only that, but one of the commentators also relayed the news that the US had just lost its bid for the 2016 Olympics (and the billions of dollars that would have been invested in new construction and other preparations for the various Olympic venues and accommodations for the millions of tourists, i.e., jobs for Americans). Rather than watching the Olympics from Chicago, we’ll have to protect them from Rio de Janeiro.
I also heard Rep. Alan Grayson cite statistics from a Harvard study finding that 44,789 Americans die every year because they lack proper health care – and that translates into 122 Americans dying every day because they lack health insurance coverage. So what’s the average American to do? Especially those 15 million unemployed Americans?
I suggest that many of these people start their internet businesses rather than simply sitting around lamenting the situation or becoming increasingly frustrated as they continue their fruitless job searches. When I invest in the stock market, one of the things I look for are companies that have “big moats,” – meaning they have such a stronghold on their industry or market (through proprietary technology or another competitive advantage) that it is tough for others to enter into that market and compete with them.
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The Internet isn’t like that – it has almost no “moat,” meaning there are few barriers to entry. Nearly anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can start an online business because the Internet offers a level playing field (i.e., even the smallest business can compete against the very largest companies). This is true whether you’re a young person just out of college (or never even attended college) to the Boomers and Seniors who are either considering retirement or already retired.
“Knowledge” seems to be the only real moat when starting an online business. The good thing about having a canal comprised primarily of knowledge is that anyone can readily cross that moat – simply by being motivated enough to learn the tools of the trade. Affiliate programs are probably the easiest ways to start an online business, and most of them also offer training regarding the product you’ll be selling for them. A big learning curve is associated with creating an online business – ensure you get good training and support from people committed to helping you succeed. Get live training and support from iNetProGroup Trainers [http://nettraining4boomers.com/] – 14 training days for only USD 1.