Boot up: Windows 8 navigation tips, Ozzie says we’re post-PC, Facebook’s mobile users and more

A quick burst of nine hyperlinks on the way to chew over, as picked by using the technology team

Getting around in windows 8 >> home windows team blog
here you pass:

A commonplace thread we’ve visible in the feedback to date approximately Windows 8, in this weblog or elsewhere, high-quality or poor, is that human beings using home Windows Eight for the primary time may want a touch of help to get their bearings. The first query to be answered: “In which di the start button go?” you’ll be hearing – and explaining – that one lot in 2013.

Keyboard shortcuts for windows 8 >> windows team weblog
Could you print it out and pin it up? No longer quite submit-paper.

personalized medicine’ Hits a Bump >>

A tumor’s genetic makeup can vary extensively even within the same tumor sample; researchers stated a finding that poses new demanding situations to the personalized-medicine motion in most cancers. One massive implication of the brand’s further studies, published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medication, is that reading handiest an unmarried sample of a patient’s tumor–the modern practice–may additionally omit essential genetic mutations that affect the course of the ailment. Genetics already complicated treatment. This complicates it a good deal in addition. (Subscription may be required.)

Q&A: Ray Ozzie on startups, Microsoft, and what he’s dreaming up subsequent >> GeekWire
Ray Ozzie – who took invoice Gates’s leader software architect job, however, left Microsoft in displeasure:

We recognize proper now; there’s no denying we’re in a first-rate transition. Human beings argue that we are in a post-pc world. Why are we discussing this? Of course, we’re in a post-pc world, but that doesn’t suggest the pc dies. That is just how we use the eventualities; we stop relating to them as computers, and we check with those different things. But it’s still general computation. In other eventualities, there are also different publish-worlds.

Documents are the center of ways we’ve got the notion approximately productiveness. For example, in productivity, the pc era became defined using files. However, if you count the number of the words that everyone right here sorts on a pc, increasingly more on Facebook, Twitter, in this blogging package deal and this and that, by way of the addressable market of phrases types, the classic record, is decreasing as a part of that, and what productiveness is the meta degree around files, as much because of the files. So we’re undoubtedly into a publish-document international, as a good deal as we’re heading into a post-pc global.

Windows 8


Microsoft in dispute with OnLive over windows desktop-on-iPad licensing >> ZDNet
Mary Jo Foley:

Now we recognize why Microsoft officials refused to discuss whether OnLive — the company offering iPad and Android pill users a hosted home Windows laptop app — became in violation of Microsoft licensing terms. It appears Microsoft believes they may be. Very complicated, counting on the query of whether you may connect to an OnLive-owned Windows seven license if you do not have one.

Google throws Android under the bus with Google Play >> Kristofer.
An iOS and Android app developer who does not like the “Google Play” moniker:

I will end with an observation. Last week, numerous human beings at my agency spent lots of time producing videos for a demo of our cellular app. The script noted that the app could be in Apple’s iTunes App Save and Google’s Android market. Now we get to redo that work. But that is greater than just bitter grapes. Now the demo for a better schooling cell application will want to mention, “to maintain in contact along with your university guides, classroom discussions, faculty and classmates, and campus information, download our cell app at Google Play” However, the “Google Play” call does at least recommend that you will be able to get entertainment there – a large change.

Facebook says it had 432m mobile customers in December 2011; thirteen% are mobile-most effective >> interior fb
fb has up to date it’s S-1 filing (quick, someone does a diff):

The company estimates that 58m customers assessed the social network entirely through cellular apps or the mobile internet site at some stage in December 2011. It no longer states what percentage of those customers are on feature telephones instead of smartphones, nor does it provide any demographic information about them. In India, for example, many people access Facebook from telephones when they do not have personal computer systems. The remaining 374m cell MAUs accessed Facebook from both computers and mobile gadgets all through that month. The social network says it has 845m overall MAU.

That’s marvelous.

At the FBI Raid >> Barrett Brown
On Pastebin, wherein each person writes their fine paintings. He was given a knock at the door when Sabu (of LulzSec) became formally fully charged; Brown’s involvement has continually been a mystery.

As to the numerous stunts [Sabu] pulled in the months given that his arrest – including but no longer limited to the pointless release of credit card facts for Stratfor customers – we may additionally never recognize to what extent such things were encouraged by using his “Justice branch” handlers to discredit this motion. But I digress, lol. At any charge, the Feds got back more than one hour later with a search warrant for my mother’s vicinity – they fully intended to take a certain computer and did. We sit up to understand what changed on that pc. As you could count on, he really does not like Sabu in any respect.

Countering the Google Plus photograph hassle >>
possibly aware that G+ isn’t wowing the media, Vic Gundotra gets on the line to the NYT.