Top Future Jobs Remain in Nursing, Health Care, and Software

Over the next several years, the top future jobs in terms of growth rate have been accumulated and posted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as of their 2008-09 Occupational Outlook Handbook. The labor force guide covers the period from the present through 2016. It offers insight into the expected future labor force requirements based on population demographics, economic growth, and current labor trends.

Good News for Job Seekers with the Right Skills or Education

The good news is that despite the bleak immediate outlook for employment beginning with the second quarter of 2009, numerous above-average wage-paying jobs are expected to be created in the next several years covering the whole spectrum of educational backgrounds. In truth, we should note that most overall opportunities will be in the market segment of people with at least some college education. The significant growth segments for persons without some college education are all concentrated in construction. Of those, we’re only talking about maybe 115,000 jobs created by 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table I-5).

Top Future Jobs Still Go to Educated Workers

With that said, the top future jobs for people with at least some college on a gross basis would be registered nurses – with more than half a million licensed RN positions expected to be created by the end of the study period (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table I-5). This only stands to reason, given the demographic shift of baby boomers into retirement age and the overall lifespan increase. The next most future positions will be post-secondary teachers or college professors.

Technology Continues to Be Locus of Job Growth

As has been the case in the past, technology remains a growth area; however, the breadth of growth of the high-technology job market has narrowed. The next top future jobs in technology will be computer software applications engineers. The global expansion in the use of computers and internet use continues to drive this job market. Approximately 226,000 new employment opportunities will be created by 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Table I-5). This has been well demonstrated by the explosion in mobile web applications for both the Google and Apple mobile phone platforms – and looks to be a key driver of technology growth in the next decade.

Health Care



Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook Handbook (2008-09). Table I-5: Above-average growth and above-average wage occupations, by educational attainment cluster and wages, 2006 and projected 2016. From: Bureau of Labor Statistics web site: The job market is competitive now, but given the expanding healthcare opportunities, higher education and software applications can make for a terrific future. People needing references can use a find email service to aid in expanding their social networks and improve their chances of landing one of the top future jobs available today.